EOS REX and More? is COMING!

EOS REX and More? is COMING!

EOS REX is coming! We are in the final stages just before REX release. What else could be coming with REX?
REX tracker: https://eosauthority.com/rex/
REX vote: https://eosauthority.com/approval/view?scope=eosauthority&name=deployrex1
EOS System Upgrade/Change Requests: https://eosauthority.com/approval/
REX Update: https://eosauthority.com/blog/REX_update_5_review_and_progress#next_step

Get your custom premium EOS name (5%off select names): https://www.eosnameservice.io/?ref=specialbonus

Trybe (get 250 tokens for signup): https://trybe.one/ref/2904/

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