EOS NEWS TODAY: Crypto Feez, Chestahedrons, BEOS, and more!

EOS NEWS TODAY: Crypto Feez, Chestahedrons, BEOS, and more!

In this video, Rob breaks down his Top 3 favorite EOS videos from the last week, plus one bonus article from EOS New York.


Crypto Feez at EOS World Expo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yL2dJLMppv0

Frank Chester explains Chestahedron: https://youtu.be/70eDBh3zuYo

mBluCrypto joins EE to talk BEOS (bridge between BitShares and EOS): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVQA4W3eT6c

EOS New York proposal: https://medium.com/@eosnewyork/addressing-eos-token-smart-contracts-and-a-proposal-for-core-development-funding-on-eos-f43b91c57fe2


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