BEOS Part 2: SPACEDROP! Interview with Stan Larimer, the Godfather of Bitshares, co-founder of BEOS Blockchain and so much more and Michael Taggart Co-founder of BEOS, Ubiquitous and Quint gold and silver backed crypto currency.
BEOS Part 1 from April 11th 2019: https://youtu.be/P9-WwvCzmlg
BEOS MANNA FROM HEAVEN: https://steemit.com/bitshares/@stan/beos-spacedrop-manna-from-heaven
How BEOS MANNA Works: https://steemit.com/bitshares/@stan/how-beos-manna-works
BEOS Website: https://www.beos.world
Biquitous: https://biquitous.io
MissionSpace: https://missionspace.one/#telescopes
SovereingSky: https://sovereignsky.com
RUON Social Network: https://ruon.ai
Quintric Gold and Silver Crypto: https://quintric.com
mBluCrypto Twitter: https://twitter.com/mBluCrypto
mBluMusic: https://mblu.io
mBluCrypto: News, Commentary and Education About The EOSIO, WORBLI and BEOS Blockchain Ecosystems.
*** No financial advice given. Speculation as entertainment only ***
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