What Is Sharding in Cryptocurrency Blockchain? Ethereum talked about it, Apollo Currency did it

What Is Sharding in Cryptocurrency Blockchain? Ethereum talked about it, Apollo Currency did it

What is network and database sharding in cryptocurrency blockchain, and why do these new techniques matter? Lets learn what is sharding and who is sharding, not sharting!

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Sharding is an interesting technique that can potentially help blockchains scale to allow more transactions per second on the blockchain as well as quick transactions. How viable sharding is with proper proof of work blockchains is still under research however Apollo currency has successfully activated their database sharding on their proof of stake PoS blockchain.

►Timestamps AND links below!

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What is sharding crypto blockchain – http://voskco.in/jUSC
Apollo Currency official website – http://voskco.in/g2Nr
Ethereum coin official website – http://voskco.in/xGBB
Zilliqa coin official website – http://voskco.in/JeWo
Ripple XRP official website – http://voskco.in/HlgH

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#Blockchain #Sharding #Ethereum #ApolloCurrency #XRP

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