Ordering Autonomous Robo-Taxi with Smart Contract on Tezos Blockchain.

Ordering Autonomous Robo-Taxi with Smart Contract on Tezos Blockchain.

Not so long ago Elon Musk announced an upcoming project of Tesla fleet of Robo-Taxi.
In the following demo video, we present our latest approach to the idea of Self-Driving Robo-Taxi, that can be ordered, interacted and paid trough a Smart Contract on Blockchain.

For the Proof-of-Concept, we used Gazebo self-driving car simulator for Robot Operating System. Developed Smart Contracts on Tezos Blockchain (https://tezos.com/) and connected both together.

The demonstration contains four screens:
1. Self-Driving Car simulator for ROS environment
2. Live simulated footage from Self-Driving Car cameras
3. Interface for Tezos smart contract interaction
4. Interaction with Robot Operating System logs.

The following scenario is demonstrated:

1.Robo Taxi selection
Select an Autonomous Robo Taxi with a Unique Identifier and specify the hailing price

2. Sending Demand Request
Rider sends a request for Robo-Taxi service

3. Offer Request
Here we demonstrate how Robo taxi sends a ride price offer

4. Supply and Demand
Ride request matches with the Robo taxi ride offer in the Tezos smart contract

5. Robo-taxi en route to the riders pick-up location

6. Robo-taxi arrived at the riders pick-up location

7. Checking the operation on Blockchain via block explorer.

(soundtrack: DJ Tarkan – Deep, Sexy & Sensual House)

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