Mayo615's French Odyssey Week 25 – IoT Challenges Ahead

Mayo615's French Odyssey Week 25 – IoT Challenges Ahead

Welcome to the Week 25 Update of Mayo615’s Odyssey to France and how to transform Big Ideas into Big Realities. I want to focus on the Internet of Things, particularly the yet unresolved challenges constraining projected exponential market growth.
The IoT market is projected to grow to 75 Billion devices by 2025. Yet this growth is predicated on very high throughput wireless networks, and new solutions to security, energy efficiency, and privacy, which are not yet available. Existing wireless technologies, including 5G, will not meet the explosive market need. Without open universal protocols growth will be constrained. The extreme diversity of IoT applications will require both small sensors that operate using minimal energy and bandwidth, and virtual reality applications with very high Gigabit per second data rates and substantial power requirements. For example, Intel estimates that one autonomous vehicle will generate 4 Terabytes of data daily. But these issues need to be viewed as opportunities not obstacles. The good news is that through my work evaluating advanced research proposals in IoT, I can report that at least one solution may already be at the laboratory “proof of concept” stage. This is where your Big Idea comes into play and becomes Big Reality.
That’s my technology update for this week. We look forward to your comments and questions. We will respond to all comments and questions and may feature comments in our update videos. If you like what you see here, recommend us to others and lick here now to SUBSCRIBE

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