Easy as a pi: EdgeX on Raspberry Pi for Automotive IoT – Alexandre Courouble, VMware
EdgeX is an open source hardware-agnostic framework for IoT and Edge Computing. It is composed of a series of docker containers acting as micro-services that allow developers to plug and play from the growing ecosystem of third-party components or even your own proprietary software. With an automotive IoT proof of concept, we demonstrate how a developer can create an entire vertical solution with a Raspberry Pi, inexpensive GPS and OBD, and EdgeX.Our proof of concept is capable of serving data to multiple different cloud endpoints, which we implement through three different use cases: an insurance company, a smart city, and a personal driving record. Through these use cases, we showcase the advantages of an edge computing architecture in the context of IoT like data manipulation, reduction, anonymization and aggregation. Come join us to learn about EdgeX in the context of developing Automotive IoT Applications.
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