Nervos CKB bringing back GPU Mining?! Dual Mine Ethereum and CKB | How To Mine on Windows & Linux

Nervos CKB bringing back GPU Mining?! Dual Mine Ethereum and CKB | How To Mine on Windows & Linux

Is Nervos CKB going to make GPU mining interesting and profitable again?! It’s possible to dual mine Ethereum and Nervos CKB, lets review Nervos CKB and how to mine it on Windows and Linux w/ Simple Mining smOS! Subscribe to VoskCoin –

VoskCoin tutorial on Nervos CKB mining –
Download the 1-click Nervos CKB miner –
Dual mine ETH + CKB w/ this GPU –

Nervos CKB is incredibly interested as they have chosen to build interest and hype surrounding their proof-of-work blockchain with a mining competition on their testnet. This is unusual because you will be credited valid coins on their mainnet blockchain once it launches later this year in exchange for participating in their testnet mining competition! Nervos previously raised 28 million dollars in a private sale and have an upcoming public sale. If you’d like to participate in simply mining their testnet and earning their CKbyte coins you can do so without any KYC or coin purchases, simply dedicating your GPU mining rigs hashpower to their test net blockchain will be all you need to do! So lets review how to get you AMD and Nvidia oh and even VEGA GPUs mining Nervos CKB on Windows or Linux (through smOS)!

► All relevant and important Nervos CKB links!
Download the 1-click Nervos CKB miner –
VoskCoin tutorial on how to mine Nervos CKB –
Nervos CKB public coin token sale –
Nervos CKB mining competition info –
Official Nervos CKB website –
Simple Mining smOS official website –
F2pool Nervos CKB mining pool –
Sparkminer AMD/Vega CKB miner –
HiveOS official website –
Official NBminer bitcointalk thread –

Simple Mining smOS config – copy and paste!
Nervos CKB + ETH Ethereum dual mining
-a eaglesong_ethash -o stratum+tcp:// -u voskcoin.$rigName -do ethproxy+tcp:// -du voskcoin.$rigName –api

Nervos CKB mining only
-a eaglesong -o stratum+tcp:// -u voskcoin.$rigName

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BTC – 12PsgKuhcJrEqJbD3oMN7rcEcuyqyqRznL
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#Nervos #CKB #Ethereum #Mining #GPUMining #VoskCoin

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