Woody Aragón – Street Magic

Woody Aragón – Street Magic

Some time ago, I did some street magic in Las Vegas for a TV Show.

The version of “Matching the cards” uses my “Memorandum” and it’s performed using Lepizig’s version: droping the cards to the floor. I saw Miguel Puga doing the trick like this years ago and he showed me how to manage the audience to do it properly. Thank you Migue!

A reminder: If you want to support this channel, please SUSCRIBE and LIKE it! It’s very very important so other people can find it: And Woody will be you new BEST FRIEND FOR LIFE!

Recuerda: ¡¡Si quieres apoyar este canal, suscríbete y dale a like!! Es muy importante para que otros lo descubran. ¡¡Woody Aragón te lo agradecerá de por vida y te convertirás en su nuevo mejor amigo!!

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