“The Future is now”. SNK’s Neo Geo was an arcade and home platform with unparalleled parity. What it looked, sounded, and played like in the arcade, is what it looked, sounded and played like at home. It was simply unheard of. This episode we look at my favorite game for the platform.
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Opening 3D Logo By:
Jan Neves
YouTube Page – https://www.youtube.com/user/Jan3d
Episode Notes:
1. Games captured from MAME.
2. This list was originally 40 games long. Trimming it was brutal.
3. I consolized my MVS long before there were guides online to do so. It’s gone through a few revisions and rebuilds, but the original board is still going strong.
4. The first arcade cab I ever owned was a Neo Geo MVS.
5. I owned a respectable AES and MVS collection once upon a time, but abandoned it once it became clear the market simply was too expensive for me to compete.
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