Crypto traders – in another era – would probably have made decent astrologers.
Because WE seek out any FAINT signal from the heavens that might shed light on the maddenly random ways crypto prices behave in this world.
Now most crypto people don’t consult celestial charts to predict token price movements.
We’re more evolved. We use bollinger bands, stock to flow functions, 200 day moving averages. And every so often we foresee some great terrestrial event that signals…. a shift is coming. NO. Not the Summer Solstice…..I am talking about…. “THE HALVING!”
So what about all these technical tools we’ve become accustomed to in the past few years. Those Crypto Oracles on Twitter showing the strong correlations between current trading patterns and a FORTHCOMING big price move.
Yah….Here is my take. A few of these analytical tools do a fantastic job of explaining THE PAST. “With a 90% + confidence interval”.
They do a great job of assigning – ex post – the reasons why something happened. In other words, they do an impressive job of telling you why Bitcoin had a $3000 price LAST YEAR. Now we all like nice clean explanations. But these technical methods are explaining… the past.
Ok, but we want to know about The Future. Do these models have predictive power? Can you plug some numbers into a formula and POP OUT the price of Bitcoin 6 months from now?
No. You can’t. Not consistently anyway.
What’s ENTICING about all these formulas and chart readings is that they make it appear that IF ONLY we had used them LAST YEAR, we would have made a killing! It reminds me of Thomas Hobbs comment “hell is truth…seen to late”.
By the way, one point I have to make here is that YOU ACTUALLY are not REALLY explaining the past anyway. These models create an ILLUSION of explaining the past because the data fits so well in showing why the token price moved the way it did. the fatal assumption is that correlation is caution.
Here is my advice. When trying to predict the future about cryptos….use a “fast and frugal method”. In other words, The SIMPLER the better.
So let’s skip astrology and pseudoscience chart readings and explore what needs to happen for cryptos to experience a big increase in value? And I don’t mean the obvious stuff (lower cost, faster transactions).
Create a list of the one, two, or three things that you think is going to happen – and when those things do happen – it will be GREAT news for cryptos and the blockchain industry in general?
Ideally, a thing (or things) that you believe are INEVITABLE. You just don’t know when. Focus on developing that list to build your own personal outlook for a crypto. You can even come up with things that would have a negative effect, if you have one of those in mind. A few years ago one of those things on my list was the coming futures market for bitcoin. In that case I thought futures would be a negative force. And so far it looks like it has been.
So here are 3 things today that I think will spell GREAT NEWS for cryptos when they arrive.
1) Better custody solutions. When institutional investors – the big players who have not yet entered the crypto market – are comfortable with the way their crypto holdings can be stored and transferred, you will see a lot of money on the sidelines today, come in. I think of it as a NECESSARY condition for broad adoption of cryptocurrency. And the reason for that btw is that cryptos are bearer instruments. Bearer instruments are assets where the holder is presumed to be the owner. Meaning if I steal your bitcoin, and I now hold it in my wallet, its mine. One of the reasons I believe that top notch custody solutions are essential to driving crypto adoption is that we already have an example of this. Years ago people who traded bearer instruments needed a safe place to store them but also be traded. Some smart people in Europe created a platform for doing just that. And today, that company holds trillions of dollars of bearer instruments that get traded hundreds of trillions of dollars per year.
2) the second big thing I am tracking is Video gaming on the blockchain. I’ve talked a lot about this. And we already have some activity here, but its nascent. What I am waiting for is when developers discover the IDEAL way to incorporate blockchain capabilities into video game play. When we discover the right business model for video gaming on a blockchain, you will see a tidal wave of developers rushing in. And that will make
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