Welcome to Aragon Court

Welcome to Aragon Court

Aragon was announced to the world on February, 10th 2017 — exactly three years ago. That’s why February 10th has been denominated as Fight for Freedom day by our beloved community.

In 2017, we figured out that DAOs need to grow outside of their blockchain and machine-powered smart contracts. DAOs need subjective agreements. DAOs and their users need an equivalent of the legal system, but fully native to them.

Aragon Court works by drafting human jurors to review disputes and motivating them with financial rewards and penalties to adjudicate well.

The demand-side of the market comes from DAOs and users who rely on Aragon Court as a dispute resolution provider if members of their organization come to a disagreement. The supply-side of the market comes from users who stake Aragon Court’s token (ANJ) to serve as jurors, adjudicate disputes, and earn rewards.

Learn more at https://aragon.org/court

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