Tezos Broke Triangle Moving Towards $4.00, Crypto Holding Over 300B

Tezos Broke Triangle Moving Towards $4.00, Crypto Holding Over 300B

The over all crypto market is holding over 300 Billion Dollar market cap which is a good sign that we could be in a new bull market. Tezos after dropping down to around 3 dollars support, has popped up to around 3.48 USD as the time of this video, on its way to testing $4.00 USD. Bitcoin holding over 10k and on its way to retesting 10,500 and stands around 10,250 USD as the time of this video. Voyager Coin after correcting last not, found support and is hovering around .055 as of this video. If you would like to all voyager app to buy and sell cryptos, please use my referral code

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