UNLOCKING All Lightsaber Colors!! Kyber Crystals from Galaxy's Edge!

UNLOCKING All Lightsaber Colors!! Kyber Crystals from Galaxy's Edge!

In this video we show you how to use a RFID chip reader/writer to unlock/change/edit your Kyber Crystal from Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge into any color lightsaber… or holocron voice that you want!! These Kyber Crystals can be found at Doc Ondar’s den of antiquities store in Galaxy’s Edge. They are also given to you at Savi’s custom lightsaber workshop where you can become an official Jedi!

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RFID chip reader/writer used in video

Galaxy’s Edge Merchandise on Amazon

Blue Lightsaber Blade Codes
3078 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Original Trilogy era) dialogue
3086 Luke Skywalker (Sequel Trilogy era) dialogue

Red Lightsaber Blade Codes
3073 Darth Vader dialogue
3081 Emperor Palpatine dialogue
3082 Count Dooku dialogue
3085 Darth Maul dialogue
3123 Snoke dialogue (note: this is from the black kyber crystal)
3121 Darth Vader (Magic 8 Ball) dialogue

Green Lightsaber Blade Codes
3076 Qui-Gon Jinn dialogue
3084 Yoda dialogue
3122 Yoda (Magic 8 Ball) dialogue

Purple Lightsaber Blade Codes
3079 Mace Windu (set 1) dialogue
3087 Mace Windu (set 2) dialogue

White Lightsaber Blade Codes
3072 Ahsoka Tano dialogue
3080 Chirrut Imwe dialogue

Yellow Lightsaber Blade Codes
3075 Jedi Temple Guard dialogue
3083 Maz Kanata dialogue

***Legacy Lightsaber’s and blades FOR SALE on Amazon***

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