SoftChef: Building Up AWS Iot Application Using an Innovative, Fully Serverless Architecture

SoftChef: Building Up AWS Iot Application Using an Innovative, Fully Serverless Architecture

SoftChef’s innovative, fully serverless architecture ensures cost-effectiveness and an IoT-managed solution expansion agility for IoT operators. It also provides IoT applications to reduce IoT complexity to focus on data-driven business.

在本集的「This is My Architecture」中,我們將介紹軟領科技( SoftChef )。它是一家是專注於物聯網的B2B整體解決方案提供商,採用AWS IoT服務與AWS Serverless架構,讓企業以低風險成本之優勢快速商轉。同時也提供IoT應用系統,包括智慧路燈、智慧電力、智慧能源、智慧工業、資產追蹤等,協助企業實現數位轉型,在市場中建立創新商業價值。

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