Who is DCN Dx?

Who is DCN Dx?

DCN Dx, an industry-leading expert in the field of rapid diagnostics, has developed with web series on the fundamentals and use of rapid diagnostics during pandemic scenarios, like COVID-19.

What do we mean by “point-of-care testing”? What are rapid diagnostics? And what is lateral flow, the versatile technology that many of these tests are based on? This video will look at the fundamentals of point-of-care testing through the lens of the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Since 2006, DCN Dx has been a leader in developing rapid diagnostic solutions for the healthcare industry. In this video series, experts from DCN Dx will discuss the fundamentals of this critical detection technology; its importance in the fight against COVID-19; the options we have to deploy it more effectively today; and how it can be used to improve our rapidly changing world going forward. This first video introduces DCN Dx and lateral flow technology for rapid, point-of-care (POC) diagnostics testing.

Learn more at dcndx.com.

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