Video Index:
1) Arthur Breitman shares his origin story of Tezos https://youtu.be/yWavH6ocGC8?t=85
2) Kathleen Breitman shares her origin story https://youtu.be/yWavH6ocGC8?t=206
3) Arthur: Tezos as “Coordination Mechanism” for Open Source governance https://youtu.be/yWavH6ocGC8?t=347
4) Governance and Fair Funding of Open Source https://youtu.be/yWavH6ocGC8?t=507
5) Miko: “Loot Drama” has existed since before the Bronze Age https://youtu.be/yWavH6ocGC8?t=660
6) The DAO Hack, SUSHI DeFi rug pull other problems https://youtu.be/yWavH6ocGC8?t=736
7) Gaming–how crypto people learn about economics first hand https://youtu.be/yWavH6ocGC8?t=950
8) Arthur comments on Societie Generale and their Central Bank Digital Currency project on Tezos https://youtu.be/yWavH6ocGC8?t=1059
9) Kathleen on CDBC https://youtu.be/yWavH6ocGC8?t=1125
10) What about DeFi on Tezos? https://youtu.be/yWavH6ocGC8?t=1279
11) Kathleen: Opportunities for NFT https://youtu.be/yWavH6ocGC8?t=1387
12) Arthur: DeFi what will “die” and what will survive https://youtu.be/yWavH6ocGC8?t=1405
13) Arthur: A bit on self-custody and the metaphor of crypto as a nation, what are its imports and export products? https://youtu.be/yWavH6ocGC8?t=1580
14) the ficticious Oracle Problem in blockchain https://youtu.be/yWavH6ocGC8?t=1812
15) What is Zero-Sum vs Positive Sum in blockchain? https://youtu.be/yWavH6ocGC8?t=2162
16) What happens next in DeFi and Tezos? https://youtu.be/yWavH6ocGC8?t=2261
Interesting piece where Arther Breitman and Kathleen Breitman the founders of Tezos talk about their perspectives on DeFi.
it’s quite rare to get an appearance of both of the founders in one sit down!
I do want to let viewers know that this show is about a conversation, not an interview. So we all talk and enjoy one another’s company. We just happen to be sharing this conversation with the public.
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