DIGIBYTE    The next Bitcoin?

DIGIBYTE The next Bitcoin?

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?️ Socials ?

► YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/DigiByte
► Twitter: @eCoin
► Telegram Alerts: @ts
► Reddit: @yte/


? Project Overview ?

Digibyte is an OG blockchain that was launched back in 2014.

Digibyte wants to give users the ability to create digital assets on its blockchain. A way for them to store these assets in an immutable and decentralized manner which can be sent instantly across the world.

⚙️ Technology ⚙️

The first layer of the Digibyte blockchain, the Applications layer, is the top layer. These Digital Assets can be created using the DigiAssets protocol on top of Digibyte. Users can also create smart contracts in the Applications layer.

The second piece of the Digibyte blockchain is the Digital Asset Layer which is the middle layer.

Any unit on the Digibyte blockchain that holds value cannot be duplicated, hacked, or counterfeited. Digibytes are used as a way to secure value for many types of things.

The last layer of Digibyte’s blockchain is the Core Protocol Layer. This bottom layer provides Operating and Communication procedures.

Block formation on Digibyte is quick thanks to the implementation of Segregated Witness or SegWit. This frees up space in the blocks which means that more transactions can be included within each block.

Thanks to SegWit and Digispeed, this TPS limit could soon double. This is due to the doubling of the digibyte block size every two years.

Digibyte uses Proof-of-Work as its consensus mechanism. However, unlike Bitcoin which uses a single mining algorithm – Digibyte uses five separate algorithms that are equally weighted.

The five algorithms used on the Digibyte blockchain are SHA256, Scrypt, Odocrypt, Skein, and Qubit.

? Trading & Wallets ?

There is not that much volume of Digibyte currently. This is probably given the lack of support from some of the larger exchanges. You will, however, find it listed on exchanges such as CoinEX, Bittrex, KuCoin, and Bitfinex, just to name a few.

When it comes to volume on these exchanges its pretty limited. You could face order slippage on your larger block orders.

Given the popularity of Digibyte, you have quite a few options when it comes to storage. These include numerous hardware wallets and the like.

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