Shu Toda, Lead Backend Developer, showcased Lisk SDK 5.0.0, Lisk Core 3.0.0, and the release schedule of Lisk Core and Lisk SDK.
00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:22 Lisk SDK 5.0.0 Introduction
00:03:01 Lisk SDK 5.0.0: On-Chain Logic vs Off-Chain Logic
00:03:52 Lisk SDK 5.0.0: On-Chain Architecture
00:08:55 Lisk SDK 5.0.0: Off-Chain Architecture
00:11:38 Lisk SDK 5.0.0: Communication Architecture
00:13:04 Lisk Core 3.0.0 Introduction
00:13:55 Lisk Core 3.0.0: Installation
00:15:28 Lisk Core 3.0.0: Command Pallets
00:15:59 Next Steps for Lisk Core and Lisk SDK
00:17:19 Closing Remarks and Summary
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