When Will Digibyte Hit A Dollar? (2023 prediction)

When Will Digibyte Hit A Dollar? (2023 prediction)

When Will Digibyte Hit A Dollar?

DigiByte is a public, rapidly growing and highly decentralized blockchain. DigiBytes are digital assets that cannot be destroyed, counterfeited or hacked, making them ideal for protecting objects of value like currency, information, property or important digital data.

DigiBytes can be sent over the DigiByte Blockchain and forever recorded on an immutable public ledger that is decentralized on thousands of computers across the planet.

Highly secure & scalable
Industry-leading transaction speeds
Tried & tested technology over 4 years
Manageable units ready for mass adoption
Active development team & known founder
What makes DigiByte More Secure?

Overview – Table of Contents
What Is DigiByte?
Getting Started With DigiByte
How To Get A DigiByte Wallet?
DigiByte Resources
How To Buy DigiByte?
What Is DigiByte Mining?
Latest DigiByte News
Global Decentralization – The DigiByte blockchain is spread over a 100,000+ servers, computers, phones, and nodes worldwide.

5 Mining Algorithms – DigiByte uses five secure and advanced cryptographic mining algorithms to prevent mining centralization compared to single algorithm blockchains.

Advanced Difficulty Stability – Difficulty adjustments protect a blockchain from several forms of malicious attacks. By creating and implementing DigiShield & MultiShield, DigiByte has the most advanced difficulty stability of any blockchain in the world today.

What makes DigiByte Faster?

15 Second Blocks – DigiByte has the fastest block speed of any public UTXO blockchain in the world today with 15 second block timings.

Early SegWit Implementation – Segregated witness allows for several innovations to occur on top of the DigiByte blockchain such as cross chain transactions and single confirmation transactions.

Blockchain Rigidity – DigiByte transactions, unlike other transactions on other blockchains, are limited in size and scope to increase speed, efficiency, and throughput. Most importantly this maintains security.

What makes DigiByte Forward Thinking?

Cybersecurity – DigiByte Blockchain technology can be leveraged and applied to applications, fixing 90% of the most common vulnerabilities affecting the internet today.

IOT Devices – The future of DigiByte includes the focus of applying DigiByte security to IOT devices and services that require robust communications.

Artificial Inteligence – By combining advancements in DigiByte Blockchain technology with artificial intelligence, we are exploring new innovations in automation and data analysis.

What makes DigiByte Different?

The DigiByte Blockchain is perfectly positioned towards building a secure and decentralized digital future with its unique combination of problem solving experience, pioneering new innovations and resilience through 4 full-time years of development.

Full-time Founder – Jared Tate created and dedicated full-time development towards DigiByte since becoming one of the few blockchain founders who went public in 2014.

Tried & Tested Technology – The DigiByte blockchain has been battle-hardened and tested for over 4 years now, based on the most proven blockchain technology.

Industry Leading Transaction Speeds – With quicker confirmation times, DigiByte transactions are one of the fastest ways to send value using a blockchain.

Not An ICO – DigiByte has never been funded through an ICO, presale or token sale, nor is there a private company controlling the DigiByte Blockchain in line with our vision for a decentralized digital future.

Multi Algorithm Mining – DigiByte was one of the first and currently active blockchains to hard fork from a single mining algorithm to 5 mining algorithms.

Use Cases Nominated in Public Competitions – DigiByte technology has been presented to governments, corporations and banks to emphasize the benefits of a decentralized future.

Manageable Units – While limited in total number, DigiBytes are much more available than other blockchains units. A total of 21 billion DigiByte will be created within 21 years, with each DigiByte being divisible to 8 decimal places.

Early To Implement Industry Critical Features – DigiByte development has shown industry-leading firsts over the last four years including Digishield, MultiAlgo, MultiShield and SegWit. This attribute will remain a focus in all future development.

World’s Longest Major Blockchain – Growing to 5 million blocks, the DigiByte blockchain has encountered and overcome scalability issues not yet seen by most other major blockchains. These innovations will continue into ongoing development.

Large Community – DigiByte has one of the largest, most engaged and decentralized community in today’s blockchain space, adding new users every day.

Successful Trials on Decentralized Exchanges – DigiByte has been successfully traded on decentralized exchanges as a key step towards a decentralized digital future.

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