#Bitcoin and #Altcoin T.A – Today’s pullback will have scared a lot of folk. Let’s see if there are any warning signs out there or if the trend will stay our friend.
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The following tools feature regularly in my videos:
Exponential Moving Averages:
Yellow Solid Line = 21
Green Solid Line = 55
Cyan Solid Line = 144
Purple Solid Line = 233
Simple Moving Averages:
Red Dotted Line = 50
White Dotted Line = 200
RSI + Ema,
And the VPVR – the Volume Profile Visible Range.
Why do your indicators look different to mine?
When I use the MACD I only look at the histogram. As for the Stochastics I have customised the code to use an exponential moving average rather than the simple. The DMI is completely customised in terms of the colour scheme and background. If you would like access to my custom indicators then just join the discord and I’ll give you access, no problem.
I am not a financial adviser none of this is Financial Advice.
Of course this is all speculative and mostly we are concerned in the Rocky Outcrop community with managing risk, people don’t go bust taking profits! Keep it simple, never risk anything you can’t afford.
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