The Erica Show EP17 – Arthur Breitman, Co-founder of Tezos
Welcome back to the Erica Show! Today’s episode is sponsored by TZ Ventures – the Tezos Combinator. TZ Ventures provides support to startups building on Tezos. For more information, please visit the website www.tz.ventures.
In this episode, I talk with Arthur Breitman, co-founder of the Tezos project.
Arthur explains various aspects that define Tezos such as Proof-of-Stake system, formal verification, unlimited number of tokens, etc. Also, Arthur describes what the latest protocol updates (Delphi, Edo, Florence) provide, such as providing a solid backbone for DeFi applications and introducing zero-knowledge proofs. We also discuss about the current Ethereum focused DeFi trend and what layer one projects need to prosper in the long term besides having many dapps building on top. Arthur also shares his thoughts on central bank digital currency, blockchain education, enterprise adoption. I hope you enjoyed this insightful interview – see you in the next video!
* Arthur’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArthurB
* Arthur’s Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChX-VzLMq-3A5Vs7KDTlehw
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