With the recent departure of Block.One CTO Dan Larimer a lot of us needed to take a deep look at where our EOS investment was and if we needed to make adjustments. EOS was my biggest holdings and it has essentially acted like a stable coin just flat lined at the same US Dollar mark as it has been since the beginning of summer. Then with the sudden news of Dan Larimer leaving Block One to work on personal projects it was like a swift kick straight to the adams apple. I honestly had a hard time deciding what to do for the first couple of days. Some people were saying they were going to stick it out and others were saying they were dumping 100% of their investment in EOS. Ultimately after assessing the situation I decided to dump 90-95% of my holdings because I didn’t see Block One really putting Voice on the mainnet and I didn’t see Block One really focusing on really doing much of anything because they can make so much money just sitting on their huge stash of Bitcoins. They really seemed to focus more on self preservation and are just a holding company holding a few tech assets they can help corporate customers deploy and charge them consulting fees and their other assets are just Bitcoin which will appreciate in value over the next 6 months to a year and all they have to do is sell at the right time.
I met some really cool people through being involved in the EOS community but ultimately it didn’t turn out to be the investment that I hoped for. I was looking for EOS to be the Ethereum killer and potentially overtake Bitcoin. A lot of stuff might have been out of Block One’s control because of the SEC breathing down their neck but at the end of the day the issues were showing themselves 2 years ago.
Going forward we do have a public chain with the fastest block times of any major blockchain at 0.5S blocks. Also it has all the fiat on ramps of Kraken, Coinbase, Binance, and other major exchanges. With a bridge to Ethereum and a push to DeFi related products EOS could really be a contender if given the support. Unfortunately I don’t think that support is going to come or be enough.
#eos #eosio #blockchain #ethereum #defi #crypto #bitcoin
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