DOGE COIN skyrockets and Robinhood Stops Buy Orders on GME! Stock Price down but will Rise Part 3

DOGE COIN skyrockets and Robinhood Stops Buy Orders on GME! Stock Price down but will Rise Part 3

Robinhood has prevented buy orders on Robinhood
Robinhood Boycott
Robinhood Lawsuite
Elon Musk is actually in our Discord talking to us about the SEC and stocks this morning! It’s insane at 1:46
Gamestop vs. AMC short squeeze live updates
Wallstreetbets reddit group having a conversation about Gamestop and AMC and the effects of big investment firms trying to short Gamesto and AMC.

Elon Musk tweeted: Gamestonk!!
Elon Musk guest speaker
Check out Roaring Kitty on YouTube
Disclaimer: I’m not a financial adviser, I am only entertaining on YouTube

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