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NOTICE: All Paid Reviews And Features on my channel were paid for by the crypto companies in the form of Bitcoin ranging from .2 to 1 BTC or in some cases equal or double value in the project’s tokens.
Paid reviews do not mean a positive review so as to maintain the integrity of the Crypto Crow Channel.
I am a Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Investor, Trader and Entreprenuer though I am not a licensed financial advisor and you should always do your own research and based any actions you take in the crypto
space from your own efforts. I focus my channel on my opinions of the space to help educate the public on potential projects worth looking into or avoiding.
My goal is to bring the world to crypto investing as the transfer of wealth happening right now is real and the opportunities are abundant. Some will perform well, others will not.
Crypto is a high risk endeavor to never be taken lightly. Never invest more than you can afford to lose and always consult with your licensed financial advisor and or tax accountant.
I try to offer a variety of content on my channel including how-to’s, crypto security, project features and reviews as well as interviews with leading blockchain developers and CEO’s.
UniStake.com paid 6.7983 ETH For This Feature
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