BitcoLoan is the newest crypto lending platform, it’s basically the next Bitconnect or BitConnect 2.0?! BitcoLoan is spending thousands of dollars in marketing, but there are A LOT of red flags..
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⚠ WARNING this video is for entertainment purposes only! If you’d like to learn more about BitcoLoan and are fine with the numerous red flags and think that BitcoLoan will not end up as a ponzi scheme like Bitconnect BCC then you can view the official BitcoLoan site here – http://voskco.in/btcl
People forget that Bitconnect quickly found itself at the center of the previous crypto bullrun, and literally, tens of thousands of users and crypto investors were using Bitconnect and making hundreds thousands and millions of dollars with BCC crypto lending and trading bot platform. Now as we enter the next huge bitcoin crypto bullrun it seems Bitconnect’s successor has arrived, BitcoLoan. BitcoLoan has a clean website, nice UI, and encourages you to lend them all of your Bitcoin in exchange for earning more Bitcoin. BitcoLoan has a lot of reviews, referencing how people learned about crypto lending and have made a lot of money with their platform. However, in our research BitcoLoan has A LOT of red flags, and is eerily similar to Bitconnect. A scam is not a scam until it scams, so to date, BitcoLoan cannot be proven to be a scam or a ponzi scheme. However, to participate in BitcoLoans crypto lending platform you have to entrust your Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies to them. This puts the user at high risk that they could simply exit scam with all of your coins and money, just like Bitconnect did. BitcoLoan did pay us to review their platform, and that is exactly why we are bringing you an entertaining review of BitcoLoan!
⏰ Timestamps ⏰
0:00 BitcoLoan is the NEXT BitConnect!
1:30 Disclaimer!
2:40 BitcoLoan Crypto Lending platform
3:44 Voskcoins.co Cloud Mining SCAM – WARNING!
4:43 Calling BitcoLoan – the results are shocking
7:05 Be careful of those promoting projects with red flags
8:39 How does BitcoLoan work?
10:16 Reviewing BitcoLoan social media
14:12 BitcoLoan Medium posts & “testimonials”
16:17 Investigating their company registration & “CEO”
19:27 Our YouTube is for entertainment purposes ONLY!
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