There are lots of different Price Predictions for Tezos / XTZ, especially since we saw a rising price over the last weeks / month.
There are Price Predictions for Tezos / XTZ from 10 to 1000 Dollar, some Predict Tezos / XTZ even higher than 1000 Dollar.
Doesn’t Matter how many Tezos / XTZ Price Predictions are out there, some will be right and some will be wrong. That is normal.
But to have a good estimation what price this Cryptocurrency will reach you have to back your estimation by Reasons and Facts. And in this video I will show you my Tezos / XTZ Price prediction, I will show you the reasons and facts whereupon my analysis is based and I will also show you my Prediction for the entire Crypto market, so the entire Market cap of all Cryptos combined. All this is based on historical market data and just for the time window of the end of 2023 / 2023.
Here you can see my last video where I made a price prediction for Bitcoin also for the year 2023 to 2023, also in this video you will find the calculation how i calculated the total estimated Marketcap and also how i came to the conclusion with the time window of the end of 2023 / 2023.
If you have any questions about that topic, or if you have a XTZ price Prediction for 2023 or 2023 that is based on reasons and facts then I would love to hear about that. So feel free to post that in the Comments.
Also in this Tezos price prediction video you will find how much market share is worth how many Dollar in the Tezos / XTZ price, also feel free to comment your calculation.
Enjoy the Video!
Everything that is said in this Video is just my opinion. It is NO recommendation to buy or sell. The Video is just showing my activities it should not be an invitation to act.
Track: Teyeq – Pull Me Down [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mml0IXN7I-o&list=PL-Rvtu8inm0xdmlQhDQ-QKlk5fD_b4TUs
#Tezos #Tezosnnews #Tezosprice
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