Roger Ver: Bitcoin Cash will win!! Roger Ver – a super exciting guest with lots of insights on the economy, Bitcoin & Bitcoin Cash! Definitely watch it! Thank you Roger Ver!
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► Alles rund um DeFiChain (DFI): https://www.youtube.com/c/DeFiChain/featured?sub_confirmation=1
► Alles rund um Cake DeFi https://www.youtube.com/c/CakeDeFi/featured?sub_confirmation=1
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00:00 Intro
03:00 Where does your thinking on libertarianism come from?
06:24 What exactly was your thought process on that?
09:24 Store of value vs real payment option?
16:41 What would be the alternatives to gold?
22:00 How did you find out about bitcoin? What were your investment decisions?
31:10 Charlie Shrem went to prison, what did you do differently?
33:42 What was the first bitcoin hypecycle for you?
37:42 What’s going on in your mind when Bitcoin is doing -90%?
40:00 Have you ever thought that Bitcoin is worth nothing?
42:20 Did Mt. Gox affect you?
49:40 What is Bitcoin Jesus all about?
50:17 Bitcoin vs. Bitcoin Cash?
1:05:30 The market is always right, how do you feel about that statement?
1:19:00 How did Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Vision come about?
1:28:05 How do you see regulation?
1:29:55 What mindset change does the crypto community need?
1:32:05 What would be your last tweet?
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? In 5 einfachen Schritten Bitcoin Kaufen: https://www.cryptofit.de/wie-kauft-man-bitcoin/
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