Tesla Getting Into Bitcoin Mining? ?

Tesla Getting Into Bitcoin Mining? ?

Tesla bought $1.5B of Bitcoin in early 2023, and accepts Bitcoin as payment. On the company’s Q1 conference call, CFO Zach Kirkhorn hinted at future Bitcoin/crypto product announcements. My prediction/moonshot is that Tesla will launch crypto mining as part of its new solarroof + powerwall package. When Tesla’s customer generate excess energy they will be able to monetize it via crypto networks. This will accelerate the ROI for all renewables, and offer Tesla Powerwall/solar owners a potential revenue stream. What are your thoughts? Am I crazy? Or is Tesla working on this? 😉

ARK/Square Bitcoin + Renewable Energy whitepaper: https://assets.ctfassets.net/2d5q1td6cyxq/5mRjc9X5LTXFFihIlTt7QK/e7bcba47217b60423a01a357e036105e/BCEI_White_Paper.pdf

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Music by Marko: https://soundcloud.com/markothedon & Fritz Carlton: https://soundcloud.com/fritzcarlton

Disclaimer: This video is purely my opinion and should not be regarded as factual information. I am not a financial advisor. This is not a recommendation to buy or sell securities. Do not assume any facts and numbers in this video are accurate. Always do your own due diligence.

As of 04/26/2023 I’m invested in the following companies/startups/assets: Tesla, SpaceX, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Uniswap, Unisocks, JOYToys, Spotify, Arcimoto, Snap, NFTX, Maker, Rainbow Wallet, Atoms, Carta, Pipe, Alloy Automation, Haus, Community, Dadi, Pigeon Loans & others.

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