Dank Jank: Grixis Onyx in STX Standard! (Mtg Arena)

Dank Jank: Grixis Onyx in STX Standard! (Mtg Arena)

Dev goes into the Arena with a Grixis deck built around Professor Onyx, Shark Typhoon, Magma Opus, Alrund’s Epiphany, and the rest of the biggest Grixis spells you can imagine! Is just throwing huge, nasty spells around enough to win in Standard against some of the best decks in the format?
Decklist: http://bit.ly/GrixisOnyx_Decklist_STX

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SBMTG

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/sbmtgdev

Deck Tech – Titan’s Typhoon (aka Shark Nest): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gR_hIP38eP4

Top 3 Budget Decks in Standard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CG_OQxfJlb8&t=3s

Strictly Better Mtg is a Magic: the Gathering Channel that does videos on everything Magic the Gathering. We do Mtg Deck Techs, Mtg set reviews, Mtg spoilers, mtg news, mtg speculation, mtg top 10 lists, and much, much more mtg related ish!


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