The USA is inadvertently banning Bitcoin, Ethereum, cryptocurrencies, mining, and staking with unfair, realistically impossible, and simply privacy invasive legislature under the banner of more tax income.. Subscribe to VoskCoin – http://voskco.in/Sub
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This is not a drill, and it’s not a joke, nor is this clickbait or meant to be perceived as FUD.. The United States senators hastily drafted a house bill that makes basically every Bitcoin miner, Ethereum staker, and cryptocurrency investor/user/coder a broker forcing you to either comply with basically impossible tax guidelines or become a criminal. Pretty ironic the government that is being undermined by decentralized and transparent open source technology and digital money is threatened and now SCARED that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are on track to replace their archaic fiat money and US dollars.. What better way to ensure the USA government maintains maximum control than to ban their decentralized competition and make most users criminals or at risk of a massive privacy breach.. Save crypto and contact your senators.
Call the senate to save crypto – https://www.fightforthefuture.org/actions/stop-the-senate-from-sneaking-through-total-surveillance-of-the-crypto-economy/
House Bill 3684 INVEST in America Act – https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/3684
Watch our first video about USA banning Bitcoin and crypto mining – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgzTOKaOE6k&t=334s
Review the breakdown of new US anti bitcoin tax bill – https://twitter.com/jchervinsky/status/1421150344051048451
BEST Mining rigs to buy in 2023 – https://youtu.be/6PdMqSBETsQ
Mining $100 a day miner profitability and review – https://youtu.be/4JjfZtVla_w
Learn how to setup electricity for your bitcoin crypto mining farm – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZi_yx_koXc
⏰ Timestamps ⏰
00:00 Banning Cryptocurrency Staking and Mining in the US
02:20 Bitcoin BANNED ?? Not a drill
04:05 Invasive tax laws push crypto businesses and investors out of USA
06:17 This bill is written by people who do not like cryptocurrencies
08:18 The bill is called H.R. 3684 – INVEST in America Act
12:41 SAVE CRYPTO and call your lawmakers
13:10 Only FIAT USD on ramps and off ramps need to be regulated
14:11 The government just prints as much money as it wants
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