MBOX Launchpool event on Binance

MBOX Launchpool event on Binance

A detailed look at MBOX airdrop on binance launchpool

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Here are some trading sites I use, sign up and play around with them before you deposit money. Message me any questions and I’ll be happy to help



[Binance link](https://www.binance.com/en/register?ref=WKFA4Q2T)

[Binance futures link](https://www.binance.com/en/futures/ref/cryptofool)


[Bittrex link](https://bittrex.com/Account/Register?referralCode=WT0-42Q-0GM)

[Bitfinex link](https://www.bitfinex.com/?refcode=hHGnz8Oq-)



[Crypto.com Wallet](https://crypto.com/app/az4yz8e6u7 )




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Twitter accounts
Gaming https://twitter.com/5boringgamesLP
Maths https://twitter.com/2ndMaths
Trading https://twitter.com/cryptotwi


Please do not invest on the advice of a stranger on the internet, only use this advice here as a starting point for your own research, and then if you choose to invest please only invest an amount that you can afford to lose.

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