Will adult-themed and adult content cryptocurrency tokens and NFTs replace OnlyFans as a new decentralized subscription service and NFT marketplace?! Subscribe to VoskCoin – http://voskco.in/Sub
Learn more about the NAFTY token! https://voskco.in/6tw
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Adult themed tokens and NFTs aren’t my cup of tea but there’s no denying there’s a massive demand for websites like Pornhub and OnlyFans I mean simply look at the metrics they are top ranking sites on the internet and if that’s the case why wouldn’t a cryptocurrency decentralized version of them with no middle man and hopefully a DAO to run them be a WAY better solution?! Let’s review the NAFTY token and if they can be the next OnlyFans with their own crypto token!
Trustwallet makes DeFi on the Binance Smart Chain easy – https://youtu.be/QKQbAke6f5g
Pancakeswap CAKE finance BSC – https://voskco.in/pancake
Learn how to set up the Binance Smart Chain BSC wallet – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NHnRlY9wtQ
Set up MetaMask with BSC Binance Smart Chain and easily swap BNB tokens! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGLiUHn6ZEs
⏰ Timestamps ⏰
00:00 Onlyfans bans explicit content?
02:05 The adult content industry is very lucrative
03:03 The NAFTY BSC token on Binance Smart Chain
06:08 NAFTY token price and review
11:35 Tokenomics of NAFTY
13:44 The Onlyfans news is a big opportunity for crypto
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