369 Soul Tribe #15 (I talk about Electroneum & Politics)

369 Soul Tribe #15 (I talk about Electroneum & Politics)

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

I talk a little about Electroneum and even how I will give it to YQU. WQW!!!

This is what your wallet number will look like (this is mine):

Simply comment me your address or you can email me it to me at 369SoulTribe@gmail.com and I will send you 17 ETN.

It looks like I will be starting another YouTube Channel where I will be talking about Crypto and Precious Metals (Gold & Silver) Investing. lol
That way I can keep politics and investing separate. 🙂

U.S. State Department Admits Signs Point To C0VlD Created in Wuhan Lab

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