6.2.18 – Snapshot of Crypto Currency Mining Market & Profit Potential – Hidden 100% RoI?

6.2.18 – Snapshot of Crypto Currency Mining Market & Profit Potential – Hidden 100% RoI?


Cryptocurrency Mining Market Snapshot & Consulting
What is Possible? What have I Experienced?
1. Crypto Mining Profit Projection Figures (6.1.18)
2. Nicehash Program
3. Nicehash Profit Calculator https://www.nicehash.com/profitability-calculator/#
4. Nicehash Referral Link – https://www.nicehash.com/?refby=1545476
5. Consulting Rates
10 min=$30
30 min = $60

Research a coin: 50

Help with Basic Crypto Wallet Setup (will hold your hand through process of getting a wallet and learning how to buy crypto and send/receive crypto.) – $50

Buy Bitcoin: Rate changes daily, but can contact for rates.
Help with setting up a ‘paper wallet’ to store coins ‘offline’ so they cannot be hacked. – $50
(You can still check your balance generally with the public key while not putting the private key at risk – except perhaps with privacy coins in which case you may need to log in)

bitmex affiliate – https://www.bitmex.com/register/JfQweA (may need to signup for nordvpn (https://go.nordvpn.net/aff_c?offer_id=15&aff_id=9902&url_id=902) in order to change to Mexico or another nation to sign up, as they do not service US clients currently due to red tape headache))

“Referred User Benefits
Users who have signed up with a valid affiliate link will receive a 10% fee discount for 6 months.
Fee structures may be different per contract; the discount will apply on all contracts. See the Fees Page to view the fee structure for a particular contract.”

LBC affiliate link – https://localbitcoins.com/guides/how-to-buy-bitcoins?ch=spl5

Visit my webpage for more info on crypto and many other things.
https://www.dustinnemos.com/crypto-currencies/ (though it may not be updated as of 6.2.18 but soon) and for all these links which are also below in description.

Further Education & Useful Resource:

▶️VIMEO: www.vimeo.com/dustinnemos
▶️twitter – @Nemov8
▶️Mailchimp Email Opt-in – http://eepurl.com/dh49Yn
▶️https://discord.gg/gsbMxja – Discord Chat Room
https://donorbox.org/support-dustin-nemos-work – 1time /recurring – donation options

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