8 x Xilinx VCU1525 FPGA Crypto-Mining Rig Demo

8 x Xilinx VCU1525 FPGA Crypto-Mining Rig Demo

This short video by Whitefire990 demonstrates an FPGA mining rig consisting of 8 Xilinx VCU1525 FPGA cards. The cards are running freely available software and bitstreams downloaded from the Zetheron Technology website (www.zetheron.com). In this video, the rig is mining 0xBitcoin (modified SHA-3 algorithm), at a total hash rate of around 105 GH/s. Only five cards could be run at full speed otherwise circuit breakers would trip– normally this rig is run on 240V circuits in a garage, but for this video it was necessary to bring it inside for better video quality. Two 15A 110V circuits were used and as you can see in the video, the drain was 1267W on one supply and 1410W on the other supply. Also visible were the individual card hash rates, 15GH/s, 15GH/s, 15GH/s, 15GH/s, 15GH/s (five cards at full speed), and three under-clocked cards at 11.55GH/s, 9.18GH/s and 9.18GH/s. The Mike.rs website shows the pool side hash rate, also shown on a separate laptop. Once the rig is shut down, the number of shares stops ticking at 1074, as shown on the laptop.

This coin & algorithm are not particularly profitable at the moment of taking this video, although a month ago when 0xBTC was $4, each card made almost $60 per day. New algorithms are being released in August both by Zetheron and many other developers such as Digital Cruncher, GPU Hoarder, and Senseless. Join the FPGA discord for more information: https://discord.gg/Er2FFtA

For more details about FPGA mining or to download the software & bitstreams used in the video, visit www.zetheron.com

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