Interview with Zach Vorhies, Google Whistleblower (PRN exclusive, by Helen of desTroy)

Interview with Zach Vorhies, Google Whistleblower (PRN exclusive, by Helen of desTroy)

After Project Veritas’ Google whistleblower finally divulged his identity to the public, leaking nearly 1,000 pages of documents in the process, the silence from establishment media (& even much of the alt-media) was deafening. Google’s method of damage control was to commission a hit-piece from the Daily Beast’s Will Sommer, whose “journalism” consisted of mining Vorhies’ tweets for controversial statements he could then use to pin all manner of bizarre or objectionable beliefs on the leaker. No one has yet cast doubt on whether Vorhies’ documents are legitimate, and the media was perfectly happy to write about them before they knew who was doing the leaking. Yet somehow this “guilt by association” smear-job has eclipsed the public interest, and sent the Fourth Estate scurrying back into the arms of Big Tech, apologizing for ever having doubted them.
(as Vorhies has pointed out, those condemning his beliefs as “fringe” would be wise to consult to see just how widespread they are. as with the FBI’s condemnation of 2/3 of the American population as domestic terrorists via its “conspiracy theorist” policy, the Beast – & its peers in the establishment – have set themselves against a significant portion of the population.)
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