Ripple XRP: David Schwartz "Everything Starts With Payments" & $60 XRP Needed for ETF

Ripple XRP: David Schwartz "Everything Starts With Payments" & $60 XRP Needed for ETF

David Schwartz says that every important use case with digital assets always ties in with payments. You have to solve payments first before anything else.

In order to get ETF approval digital assets need a lot of growth. This is good because it indicates market caps of digital assets have a lot of room to go up. It is estimated that BTC would need a price of 150K to get approval. This would mean that XRP would need a price of $60 to be considered.

Santander Bank and SBI are opening new payment corridors, but they do not seem to be using XRP at this time. Is this a cause for concern?

What is really going on with digital assets in China. There was a big announcement that China was going to make a big push towards blockchain, but now there is talks about a Bitcoin and digital asset ban.

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