$5.75 Ripple (XRP) SBI Virtual Currencies to list $XRP

$5.75 Ripple (XRP) SBI Virtual Currencies to list $XRP

Ripple (XRP) is a winner when it comes to the world of Cryptocurrency! The bank coin will have a future in for it as the establishment is destined to move in a upward direction in the coming time. Currently Bitcoin is down and so is a ton of other technologies in the crypto game. we are all holding on for dear life. The possibility of a $5.75 USD Ripple could be possible in the near future and we are looking at the future for this alt coin. Disclaimer this video is for entertainment purposes only and i hope everyone thinks for themselves. All that being said i think that $XRP has the possibility of fueling up and blasting off to the moon in February expanding into the year of 2018.
DOUBLEDOWN “Ripple is Fueling up” Video

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