BitShares Price Prediction 2018

BitShares Price Prediction 2018

http://AlphaInvestors.Club – Hey guys! Thanks for joining us here at http://AlphaInvestors.Club where today we will be reviewing BitShares Price Prediction 2018

The Crypto Evolution
At the dawn of crypto in 2008, we had Bitcoin – a decentralised currency with the potential to disrupt the financial sector.

In 2015, the world of crypto was forever changed as Ethereum appeared onto the scene – boasting a currency with smart contracts, and a Turing-complete development language on its backbone enabling nearly limitless innovation.

Now, we are seeing the next evolution – BitShares – taking market share. This cryptoplatform (calling it a currency would not do it justice) supplies the next evolutionary step in the world of crypto. It builds on the decentralised currency model of BTC, encompasses the versatility and innovation of ETH, and extends out on all fronts to the point where the Bitshares network is an economy in its own right. It is a currency. It is a network. It is a bank. It is a stockbroker, an exchange platform, a breeding ground for innovation – and in the eyes of founder Daniel Larimer it can be thought of as a self-governed country in its own right…tune in for our full review!

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