6.13.18 – IG Report, Missiles Stopped, Tommy To Die, Economy, Crypto – EOS

6.13.18 – IG Report, Missiles Stopped, Tommy To Die, Economy, Crypto – EOS


Politics & Deepstate
topic change day before ig report. nothing to flip on.
more topic change

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein threatened to subpoena emails, phone records and other documents of Republican lawmakers on the House Intel Committee back in January, confirming previous reports

Tommy Robinson
They put him in a max security prison with 71% muslim population – inmates were banging on cell walls and shouting death threats when he arrived.

2300+ pedophiles arrested in operation broken heart.
383 children rescued.

I’ve ordered my first crypto miner, a smaller machine, very excited to have some crypto income before the depression hits – and I’ll let you guys know how it progresses.

eos is about 2/3 of the way through its voting – my personal pick is libertyblock (jeff berwick of dollar vigilante, fellow voluntaryist)

For those interested in learning more about crypto please check out my crypto page on www.Dustinnemos.Com


real economic numbers – The ‘Real’ America: 21.5% Unemployment, 10%
Inflation, And Negative Economic Growth


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