A Hut8 Techtorial on Navigating the Transfer, Deposit, & Withdraw Actions on the IDEX Exchange

A Hut8 Techtorial on Navigating the Transfer, Deposit, & Withdraw Actions on the IDEX Exchange

In this brief tutorial we go over a ‘5 Step Process’ that focuses on how to navigate the International Decentralized Ethereum Exchange (IDEX) cryptocurrency exchange and why you should not panic if you don’t see things happening instantaneously with respect to your balnaces. We time the transfer of Ethereum from the IDEX Wallet on to the IDEX exchange, we see how long it take for a purchase of KIN to process, we then time the withdraw of KIN from the IDEX exchange to the IDEX wallet, and discuss a few common issues you might see that could facilitate having to re-transfer the asset to your personal ‘off-exchange’ wallet. Enjoy, and remember, stay calm and trade on!

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