This is the second of three videos on the Home Automation – Weather Clock Series. It builds upon the “Getting Started with the Home Automation Kit” videos but can be viewed as standalone.
The Weather Clock is a clock having weather instead of time on the clock face. It uses the AVR®-IoT WG Board and the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to achieve this.
The focus of this series is on the cloud implementation, and how to get started it into your IoT applications. Please see the User Guide linked below for a thorough and written explanation of the design and implementation.
Topics Covered in this Video
* Introduction to Cloud Functions
* Connecting GitHub to GCP through the Source Repositories Module
* Adding storage to the cloud with the Storage module
* Using the Cloud Scheduler to call the cloud function with a given time interval
* Using GCP Service Accounts to restrict who can invoke the cloud function
* Atmel Studio: https://www.microchip.com/mplab/avr-support/atmel-studio-7
* Documentation: http://atmel-studio-doc.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/webhelp/GUID-4E095027-601A-4343-844F-2034603B4C9C-en-US-3/index.html?GUID-A7503856-D18B-41FE-B5A2-E705E7587C30
* MPLAB® Data Visualizer: https://gallery.microchip.com/packages?q=MPLAB-Data-Visualizer-Standalone
User Guides:
* Getting Started with the AVR® Home Automation Kit: http://microchip.com/DS50002957
* Home Automation – Weather Clock: http://microchip.com/DS50002962
* Home Automation – Automatic Blinds: http://microchip.com/DS50002958
Source Code:
* AVR-IoT WG Board Default Firmware: https://start.atmel.com/#example/Atmel%3AAVR_IoT_WG_Sensor_Node%3A1.1.1%3A%3AApplication%3AAVR_IoT_WG_Sensor_Node%3A
* AVR-IoT WG Board with Stepper 2 Click Firmware: https://start.atmel.com/#example/Atmel%3AAVR_IoT_WG_Sensor_Node_With_Stepper_2_Click%3A1.1.1%3A%3AApplication%3AAVR_IoT_WG_Sensor_Node_With_Stepper_2_Click%3A
* Weather Clock Cloud Script: https://github.com/microchip-pic-avr-solutions/avr-home-automation-weather-clock-cloud
3D Models:
* Weather Clock: Coming Soon
Videos Series:
* Getting Started with the Home Automation Kit
* Home Automation – Weather Clock
Related Post:
- AVR® IoT Home Automation Weather Clock #3 Adding Precise Stepping to the Boards Firmware
- AVR® -IoT Home Automation – Weather Clock #1- Introduction
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