We found the best Mining GPU’s to buy in 2019. We collected all the data available, dove deep and came up with some solid recommendations that should carry you well into the future. We pulled heavily from the work done to date by BitsBeTrippin and other community sources. This is heavily focused on ProgPow, why you should care, and what that will mean to the community. But our recommendations are still solid on any algo (Zcoin, RavenCoin, Grin, BEAM and AION). Keep in mind, these recommendations are a jumping off point to start a discussion, so please contribute if you have ideas. If you have any suggestions to make this better, please share with the community in the comments. Also share any successes you have!
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Time Stamps:
ProgPow Importance – 1:00
BitsBeTrippin Testing Overview – 3:25
Adding Value for Performance to Test Data – 5:37
Stack Ranking GPU’s – 6:50
Additional 3rd Party Testing – 12:30
Fun with ROI 🙂 – 18:30
Final Recommendations – 22:40
Buy Used? Sure… – 24:50
We really hope this video helped you in some small way. If so and you feel inclined, your donations to support the channel are much appreciated!!!
Donation Addresses:
► Zcoin: a7LXG49ZNfkDgozARMmY8YX6v4xoLe5Urj
► Eth: 0x453984712F9BEEB1644848C72694FcF177E97739
► BTC: bc1qfa9peeq6x8fa7w3z8dpn4tjjem7zeejqr0cy4z
Amazon Referral Gear:
⚙️HashRaptor Choice –
GIGABYTE GeForce GTX 1660 Ti OC: https://amzn.to/2XXxO31
MSI GeForce GTX 1660 Ti Ventus: https://amzn.to/2Y1D06n
EVGA 1660 Ti Black: https://amzn.to/2VxJRGV
⚙️HashRaptor Choice – EVGA 2070 Black: https://amzn.to/2GJI5ZR
Gaming / Mining Multi-Purpose Rig – EVGA 2080: https://amzn.to/2VrQLh1
⚙️Trusted Viewer Recommendation – EVGA GeForce RTX 2070 XC Ultra Gaming – 08G-P4-2173-KR – https://amzn.to/2XTqwNN
Gaming / Mining Multi-Purpose Rig – EVGA 2080Ti: https://amzn.to/2V6252U
⚙️HashRaptor Choice – Samsung 32GB USB 3.1 Drive – https://amzn.to/2XUeC6k
⚙️Teckin Wifi Outlets: https://amzn.to/2UNaALk
▶ Check out my gear on Kit: https://kit.com/HashRaptor
Links Referenced in Video:
HashRaptor Calculations: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11lsL1sdVYod2gmXkfnwIjfZhS43uOrc6W9XlRhqDTsE/edit#gid=0
BitsBeTrippin Work: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ezlD-K6wl6LsA7_dDQSqV7A_mpc6UanT4FZAJMIwGyM/edit#gid=0
13 Questions about Ethereum’s Movement to ProgPow: https://medium.com/altcoin-magazine/13-questions-about-ethereums-movement-to-progpow-e17e0a6d88b8
Why ProgPOW? https://medium.com/altcoin-magazine/13-questions-about-ethereums-movement-to-progpow-e17e0a6d88b8
Why test ProgPOW? https://youtu.be/Bg3zSqErgdo
Jayz2cents – 11:45 time stamp – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bCt9592y-M
Brandon Coin 1660Ti Testing: https://youtu.be/70-Ku_lsmDU
Reddit Post on 1660Ti: https://www.reddit.com/r/gpumining/comments/avyaq1/gtx_1660_ti_mining_performance/
UFD Tech 2080Ti vs 1080Ti: https://youtu.be/yzJOHD5nZ0Y
Tom’s Hardware 1660Ti Review and Editor’s Choice Award: https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/nvidia-geforce-gtx-1660-ti-turing,6002.html
► Social:
HashRaptor on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/HashRaptor
HashRaptor on Twitter – https://twitter.com/HashRaptor
► Disclaimer:
This channel is for entertainment purposes only. You should never take this as financial, legal or technical advice. I am NOT an expert, just a hobbyist. These are opinions and demonstrations, not meant to be repeated or acted upon. If you ever have questions, always seek a true professional.
► ** http://subscribe.hashraptor.com **
See all my future videos at
* www.hashraptor.com *
► Want to get started in Crypto and support our channel, give Coinbase a try. Here is my referral link:
► Want to Trade Grin and support our channel, give Bitforex a try. Here is my referral link:
► See our Fortnite Family Gaming channel at
* www.LetsGoCollin.com *
►A big thanks to Jonathan Coulton for his amazing music, available under creative commons license. If you like “Code Monkey” or “I Feel Fantastic”, please support him by visiting his page and contributing a dollar or two!
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