What a wonderful Thanksgiving treat. Our conversation with the brilliant mind. Clif High. From Blockchain and governance to banks and money. We talk about Neo, OMG, Veritaseum Populous and more. From the troubles with removing the BCH and BTC noise due to such similar linguistics and out to the far reaches of interstellar space.The joys of speaking with such a unique soul and mind. We talk new medicines and C60 as well as some very exciting times in the business models and the world we have evolving today!
Remember to Like, Subscribe and Share the Crypto Love as we all learn and educate ourselves about this new emergent technology over the holiday weekend!
Check out Clifs reports at: http://halfpasthuman.com
Car of Mr.Lite
Neo/OMG talk: 31:38
Edge talk: 36:08
Roadmap BTC 2018 ? : 36:40
Bitconnect like idea’s talk: 40:07
C60 Talk: 41:20
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Find your essential cold storage wallet: https://arcanebear.com/the-best-bitcoin-wallets-ledger-nano-trezor-and-keepkey-review/
Coinbase is a great place for your initial crypto purchase:
The Arcane Bear ICO shortlist:
▪️ Pillar Project: https://youtu.be/XrOIZ_Xb9Nk
? Halo Platform: https://youtu.be/lVYyNKwtRTM
▪️ Etch.Work: https://youtu.be/RDoL8IlRpUo
? SandCoin: https://youtu.be/z9EaovronPc
▪️ Spectre.ai: https://youtu.be/z6V5gnpcduI
? Datum: https://youtu.be/uZ2QZDtT4_o
▪️ DropDeck: https://youtu.be/79Xv-Y2MUQs
These are MY ideas, and I am presenting them here for entertainment/analysis purposes ONLY, you MUST do YOUR OWN due diligence before investing in ANY CC’s, digital assets or ICOs; Understand the Risks.
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