What is Bitcoin Cloud Mining and is Cloud Mining profitable in 2019? Lets discuss what Cloud Mining is and how it works. Subscribe VoskCoin YouTube – http://voskco.in/Sub
Buy a Bitcoin miner on Amazon – https://amzn.to/2LCdZwh
Whether you love Bitcoin cloud mining and it has made you rich, or you hate it and bought Genesis cloud mining contracts at the top of the 2017-2018 crypto bull-run and are now in massive debt because you bought too much crypto related products with credit cards or whatever! Bitcoin cloud mining is here, and I’m sure it is here to stay to some degree. The premise of cloud mining is simple, cloud miners essentially fund someone elses mining farm and they receive a cut in exchange. There is hardly any work involved as a cloud miner, and naturally the potential rewards are reduced because of that.
If you want cloud mine w/ RM – http://voskco.in/RockMiner
Rock Miner 10 BTCish giveaway – http://voskco.in/sf7n
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#Bitcoin #Mining #CloudMining #RockMiner #GenesisMining
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