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Thanks to our special guest Andreas Brekken!
Follow him on Twitter: https://twitter.com/abrkn
Visit his websites: https://www.shitcoin.com/, https://sideshift.ai/
Our Developer site and Change the world with Bitcoin Cash:
Us to get some free Bitcoin Cash:
Our Badger wallet page and add it to Chrome or Firefox:
Grab our top rated Bitcoin wallet for free at
►WIKIMEDIA | Partners with Bitpay to Accept Bitcoin Cash!
The nonprofit that operates Wikipedia (The Wikimedia
Foundation), has partnered with BitPay, to accept Bitcoin
Cash donations!
LINK: https://landing.bitpay.com/rs/249-OMD-845/images/bitpay-wikimedia.pdf
►WALLET.BITCOIN.com | Releases the Newest and most
Exciting Update Yet!
The new updates to the Bitcoin.com wallet include highly anticipated updates, such as the Marco Coino integration, providing users with locations that accept Bitcoin Cash. Direct links to other top Bitcoin BCH online merchants are also included directly into the wallet- including Purse.io, eGifter and Cheap Air.
LINK: https://wallet.bitcoin.com/
►BITBOX v3 | Now Live at Developer.Bitcoin.com/bitbox
BitBox v3 has been released to take advantage of the
recent release of Rest v2, setting the stage for new
features like authentication, dynamic rate limits and
much more.
LINK: https://developer.bitcoin.com/rest/
►BADGER WALLET | Releases React Components
The release of the React components were created to integrate Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and the Badger wallet into your app with ease.
Websites are realizing the incredible ease of use and instant transactions with BCH.
LINK: https://twitter.com/BitcoinCom/status/1091006945173987328
►SCHNORR SIGNATURES | Privacy and Scaling on BCH
The Schnorr signatures are heading to BCH with the planned upgrade to the BCH chain, providing a new level of innovation by bolstering scaling and privacy all at once.
LINK: https://news.bitcoin.com/privacy-and-scaling-schnorr-signatures-are-coming-to-bitcoin-cash/
►TOOLS.BITCOIN.com | Updates to the Bitcoin Tools Page at Bitcoin.com
New updates to the Tools.Bitcoin.com page include a refreshed look, and updates to the price converter and Cash Address converter.
Check out the other tools like the Bitcoin Cash Faucet, Paper wallets, Satoshi Pulse, Explorer and other Bitcoin Tools!
LINK: https://tools.bitcoin.com/
►BITCOINCASH.org | Seeking Translators to Help add new Languages!
The BitcoinCash.org website is seeking translators to donate their time in their efforts to reach as many languages as possible for the site content.
LINK: https://www.transifex.com/bitcoin-cash/bitcoin-cash-website/
►3xBIT.com | Bitcoin Cash Pairings Now Live
The 3xBit exchange allows users to register from all over the world.
The exchange recently integrated Bitcoin Cash pairings, available with FIAT (Brazil), BTC, ETH and DASH.
Visit 3xbit.com.br to check it out.
►PANDA EXCHANGE | Launches Crypto PoS terminal Exeler
The PoS terminal also acts as a portable Crypto ATM. The hybrid solution installed in Bogotá, allowing customers to buy baked goods with cryptocurrencies but can also dispense BCH, BTC, and DAI in exchange for Colombian pesos.
SOURCE: https://news.bitcoin.com/panda-exchange-deploys-hybrid-point-of-sale-and-crypto-atm-in-bogota/
►Book Recommendation:
Henry Hazlitt: Economics in one lesson
► What is bitcoin?
Bitcoin is one of the most transformative technologies since the invention of the Internet. Bitcoin.com stands firmly in support of financial freedom and the liberty that Bitcoin provides globally for anyone to voluntarily participate in a permissionless and decentralized network which empowers people to not be marginalized by governments and financial institutions. Bitcoin is freedom.
► Want some free Bitcoin Cash?
Grab some from https://free.bitcoin.com/
► Who are we?
Bitcoin.com is your premier source for everything Bitcoin related. We help you buy, use, and store your Bitcoin securely. You can read the latest news . We also provide helpful tools and real-time market price and chart information, as well as Bitcoin mining and Bitcoin events information.
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Bitcoin Store: https://store.bitcoin.com
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