Hey guys, just yesterday Bittrex credited us with our Bitcoin Gold for any Bitcoin which was sitting in our account during the fork.
It’s taken a while for this to happen, if you remember back, this fork actually happenned way back on October 24, and it’s almost a month later that the majority of us are just now finally able to claim it.
It seems Bittrex has kind of changed their tune as well. Initially they said they would split our coins and let us claim them but they wouldn’t trade them so we would have to send them off to another exchange. In a shift they now are allowing us to trade them.
I have a very small amount of Bitcoin Gold on my Bittrex account as I only had a small amount of Bitcoin not sitting in alts on my Bittrex account during the fork but it did hit my wallet. The rest of my Bitcoin Gold is on my Trezor. Trezor announced yesterday they do have a Beta version up on their site for us Trezor users to claim our Bitcoin Gold, however we can’t hold it on our Trezor, we need to send it off to another wallet or exchange so I’m going to be sending mine to Bittrex.
As far as what I’m doing with it, for now I”m just going to sit on it. I rushed to sell off my Bitcoin Cash during the last fork and didn’t wind up getting as much for it as I could have if I either sold the futures or traded it immediately. Currently Bitcoin Gold is trading at around $273 so I’m just going to sit on mine. If the price of Bitcoin Gold surges and/or if Bitcoin price drops or I see a deal on an altcoin I may dump it to buy something else but for now I’m just going to sit tight.
For anyone who has a Trezor and wants to know how to access your Bitcoin Gold I’ll drop a link to their instructions below…
Now I know a lot of people are annoyed at how high this coin is trading or the marketcap spot in regards to other better coins and other projects out there and I Have to say I agree with you. This coin has nothing unique about it, okayit’s asic resistant big whoop so is Vertcoin and a million other better projects but it’s not always the best coin that wins out. Because these forks keep the Bitcoin name and are kind of like air drops alot of people know about them and trade them. At the end of the day we can’t take a moral stance on if this is a BS coin and it doesn’t really matter what you or I think, what matters is what the market thinks and if the market assigns this coin value it has value.
Curious to hear your thoughts about value predictions as well as what you plan on doing with your Bitcoin Gold. Drop a comment below.
Also, if you use ELectrum or another wallet I didn’t mention and have claimed or accessed your coins drop a comment with instructions on how to do so as it will probably help someone else out.
Thanks for watching and I’ll catch you guys on the next video
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