Central bankers have hijacked Bitcoin BTC and Lightning is Central Banker’s attempt to create Digital Fiat, disguised behind Bitcoin’s name.
Bitcoin Core BTC is abomination of Bitcoin system
Bitcoin Cash BCH is continuation of Bitcoin system
Here is the video to watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZU_qbA1gyE
Here are my observations:
– at 2:00 mark he shows why he is against ASICs, as he was mining with GPU and when ASICs took over he had to move on to Litecoin, then Vertcoin (both of which are 100% dependent, meaning controlled by Bitcoin Core)
– at 2:39 mark he openly admits that Litecoin and Vertcoin are completely reliant on Bitcoin Core. So much for Charlie Lee being “creator/developer” of Litecoin.
– at 4:00 mark he says they fund 2 Bitcoin Core devs
– at 5:19 mark he openly says THEY WORK WITH CENTRAL BANKS to CREATE DIGITAL FIAT… yes you read it correctly.
– at 7:25 mark he says how Fees are reason why we need Lightning now (conveniently leaving out the fact that Bitcoin Core did this on purpose, Blockstream CEO Adam Backstabber told everyone to celebrate high fees! He also says that fees should decrease with scale… hello… that is exactly what on-chain scaling does and Bitcoin Cash proves it.
– at 7:43 mark he says BTC payments are way too slow… hello… Bitcoin Core did this on purpose also be destroying 0-conf which worked on BTC flawlessly for years and is working again flawlessly on Bitcoin Cash.
– at 8:00 mark he says fees are still too high…. on BTC yes, not on Bitcoin Cash, an actual, properly working Bitcoin.
– at 8:15 mark he says a blatant lie, he says exchanges hold everyone’s coins, which is not correct at all. People chose to hold them there as they trade, I have all my bitcoins (Bitcoin Cash) in my own wallet and no one is holding them for me. His/their idea must be then to have Lightning have everyone’s coins not owned by them as in Lightning no one would have them in offline wallets, they would be online 24/07/365 and never offline. Fucking hypocrites.
– at 9:05 mark, so people saying Lightning doesn’t need SegWit is incorrect as he admits that Lightning does need SegWit.
– at 9:10 mark, this is very important… term precludes (I had to look it up) means to prevent the presence, existence, or occurrence of; make impossible: and Bitcoin Cash is listed in there, which means existence of Lightning (need for it) requires prevention of existence of Bitcoin Cash… P2P Digital Cash system… which explains again why Bitcoin Core destroyed it in BTC. EDIT: maybe I got meaning of this wrong, maybe the guy in the video wanted to say that in order for any coin to be able to use Lightning, they need to have malleability fix, which I think he’s referring to as SegWit.
– at 10:00 mark he says not only you have to be online to send and receive payment in Lighting, but you have to be online all the time… keeping a watch on the payments… there is no way mass of people are going to be doing this, and if they did, everyone would be in jail of Digital Fiat payment system and everyone would be 100% dependent on central banks… as if they ever get this to work, they will ban paper fiat.. and then everyone is fucked.
– at 11:35 mark, on the chart he admits that both BTC and LTC are in fact SegWit coins and not bitcoins (meaning Altcoins as bitcoins have witness data inside the transactions). This says anything that has SegWit, stay the fuck away from it… unless you love to be under control by the central banks… choice is yours.
– at 16:10 mark, he contradicts the Bitcoin Core narrative that you must have everyone run their own node… by saying you can’t expect to have everyone to run their own full node.
– at 16:20 mark, there is a message to all the Bitcoin Core whores… you think Lightning will work the way Bitcoin Core & Blockstream promise (be decentralised and shit)… he says it himself that they don’t even know yet how Lightning is going to work, the specifications for the system is not even known yet, but they destroyed perfectly working Bitcoin in BTC anyway? Are you awake yet?
– at 22:44 mark, he actually admits that using Lightning INCREASES PROBABILITY OF THEFT… it gets better and better, doesn’t it 🙂 No such danger with using Bitcoin system when you use Bitcoin Cash.
Don’t allow yourself to be fooled by Bitcoin Core & Blockstream, they are not your friend, they are literally the worst thing that happened to Bitcoin.
Due to YouTube censorship, I would appreciate if you shared this video (or my channel) on other places so that more people are aware of this… thank you for your support.
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