Bitcoin Mining Setup! – Gmod DarkRP Life (Start Of Small And Work Your Way Up Or STEAL 300,000!) Me and my friends think to herself the best way to make money is bitcoins and it always has been so we started looking for a base can call home have redspartan started making a really poo base XD He tried. Me and pixel the only bitcoin miners as all the jobs was taken. instead I used one of my dupe in a base then we have to start off small, used to smallest bitcoin miner and work our way up to bitcoin server blades at 7ghz, we alsp do some money printing as well but the money printer not that good on this server. we have one guy with a shotgun raid the whole base we can afford any weapons Dam it. Me and pixel the only bitcoin miners as all the jobs was taken. after the base got raided we seriously needed money so I went out asking people for money one guy give us 300k to help him but instead we ran and I half it with redspartan. Hope you guys enjoy this!
Check these guys out
Pixelcat : https://www.youtube.com/user/PixelCatGamer
RedSpartanTV : https://www.youtube.com/user/RedSpartanTV
Name: ★[UK]RavenRP ★ Gangs ★ Bitcoin ★ FastDL ★ Need Staff
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Join me in the adventure of role-play in unturned i do Unturned Raid, Unturned Speed build , Unturned RP, Unturned Swat , Unturned Police, Unturned Shop, Unturned DEALERSHIP Maybe even Unturned dating XD Hope you guys really join coming on this adventure with me!
Game: GMod
Built on a modified version of Valve’s Source engine, Garry’s Mod (or GMod for short) is a physics sandbox game.
One of the great strengths of Garry’s Mod is that it is incredibly modder friendly. This has lead to a thriving community that is always coming up with new addons and gamemode for everyone to enjoy.
Music : ?
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com
Outro Music : ?
Jim Yosef – Lights [NCS Release]Jim Yosef – Lights [NCS Release]
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